Saturday 19 September 2020


 Lord Hanuman explains the eras to Bhima

We all know that the mighty Lord Hanuman always blesses those devotees, who chant the name of Lord Rama; the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu with all his heart. He had supported Lord Rama to defeat Ravana and get back Sita in Treta yuga. He had additionally been there with Lord Krishna; the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu and Arjuna during the Mahabharata battle in Dvapara Yuga. He resided in the flag or Kapi Dhwaja of Arjuna's chariot. He is blessed to remain immortal therefore he stays in kali yuga too. In this blog, I will not only mention how did Bhima meet with Hanuman but also I will tell you in short his wordings to Bhima related to all four eras' principles.

Pandavas had been eagerly waiting for Arjuna to come back from heaven. They stayed close to Bhagirathi Ganga alongside different Brahmins during their pilgrimage. One day Draupadi discovered an aromatic lotus flower and she was moved by way of its beauty and aroma. She wished to have more like this to present to Yudhishthira. Hence she requested Bhima to locate more of such lovely flowers. Bhima agreed to fulfil her desires and started looking for them. He reached Gandhamardana Mount and saw a captivating banana garden there. He entered inside like a fierce elephant. He was so muscular, all the other animals ran away from there. Even wild animals got scared of Bhima and started roaring there. Hanuman who was residing there in the garden ought to recognize that Bhima had reached. There used to be a passage that led to heaven. He blocked the passage as it was no longer allowed for any man to enter the way to heaven. He thought Bhima would possibly enter the passage and be cursed or humiliated. So he slept there whilst obstructing the way.

Bhima reached there and located Hanuman napping on the way. He didn't recognize his identity. He rushed closer to him whilst roaring like a fierce lion. Hanuman woke up by way of the noise. 

He advised Bhima, "How can a shrewd Person like you wake me up as I am ill and trying to take a nap here? You have unknowingly disturbed many animals here along with me, it appears as if you have no mercy and have no expertise of religions." Hanumanji additionally denied him to free the passage as it was no longer meant for people to enter.

Bhima gave him his introduction and asked him to let him cross the way. Bhima could no longer cross over his body as the supreme soul lives in all creatures. 

Hanuman instructed him, "Being ill I am unable to shift therefore you move my tail and then enter the passage." Since Bhima used to be constantly proud of his energy he thought of sending the old sick monkey toward hell by holding his tail with his bare hands. But when he tried, he was greatly surprised to discover that he even could not move the tail. It was not possible for him. He failed and realized that the monkey was not ordinary. Bhima regretted and asked for his real identity. Hanuman Ji then informed Bhima About his originality and defined Lord Rama's grace there. Bhima wished to comprehend the four era's principles, creation, destruction, and karma from Hanuman Ji.

Hanuman Ji said, "The first era was recognized as the Krita era or Satya Yuga. It was named as such due to the fact people were courteous and properly behaved. They executed their task without any hesitation. There were no divisions like demons, deities, snakes, Gandharvas, etc. There were no such policies as buying and selling. No diseases were located at that time. People respected each other. There used to be no negativity inside people's nature. That time Narayana seemed white. Everyone used to be duty full and lovable. They all were under the shelter of God only.

(Please Click Below Video In Hindi 👇)

The second era was Treta Yuga. Here Lord's face regarded red. Everyone started yajna, meditation Vedic rituals via which they used to get precise rewards. People were responsible and religious.

The third one was the Dvapara Yuga. Here God appeared to be yellowish. Vedas were divided into four Rik, yaju, Sama, and Atharva. People additionally get divided in accordance with the expertise of the Vedas. Due to the loss of truth, humans also fall ill. They all began meditation in order to get Ascetic strength and acquire heaven. People additionally believed in unrighteous acts.

The fourth one is the Kali era. Lord appears in Black here. Here human beings will no longer believe in yajna or Vedic rituals. There will be decease, fear, laziness, mental stress, and anger, here. Happiness will be gone. This era will be started soon. And it will provide the contrary rewards to human beings considering that they prefer unfair activities. "

Bhima wished to see Hanumanji's actual divine shape in which he had crossed the ocean to reach Lanka.

Hanumanji granted him and showed him his actual form. He used to be so big and muscular that he resembled Meru Mountain. Bhima was engrossed in his divine shape and offered his prayers. Hanuman Ji used to be capable of developing higher than that size. He later taught Bhima the act of kindness, being religious, duty full, and respectful towards all. He then hugged Bhima and wished to give him a boon. Bhima requested that he needed his benefits and mercy always by his side. Hanumanji granted him. He additionally stated Bhima no longer divulged his residence to everyone else. Then he disappeared and Bhima determined the Sougandhika garden of Kubera.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about how Bhima frees Kubera from his curse..

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