Monday 21 September 2020


Markandeya sage elaborates on the end of the world, the destruction of the Kali era, the sage meets the creator and the Birth of Kalki Avatar

During the exile period of Pandavas, Lord Krishna, the incredible sage Markandeya and Narada Ji visited them in the Kamyaka forest. Let me first provide you with a small description of the great Markandeya sage. The sage was a big devotee of Lord Shiva, and because of his dedication and wholehearted worship of Lord Shiva, he defeated death. Lord Shiva had rescued him from the Death god Yama and had blessed him for long life. The sage had witnessed the amazing dissolutions of the world many times. It is believed that after the whole world is destroyed only the sage remains and he prays to Lord Brahma; the creator of the world. Brahma creates four creatures Jarayuja, Andaja, Swedaja, and Udbhija whom solely Markandeya sees there on the earth. The sage stays as a close disciple of Narayana. Since he had watched the end of the world many times in the past, Yudhishthira asked him to elaborate on it.

Markandeya sage says," Lord Krishna is the one supreme God who creates and destroys the world. He creates all but he has no creator. After the end of the world, he is born again. He is the creator of Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. After the cessation of Kaliyuga, Satya yuga begins again. At the end of the Kali era, humans will become lier, they won't perform yajna in accordance with Vedic rituals, Brahmins will do the work of Shudras whilst Sudras will earn cash like vaishyas. Brahmins will ignore meditation and asceticism. Rich people will rule the place. The life span of human beings will be decreased along with their power and stamina. They will be of short height and they will rarely speak the truth. Lots of humans will Talk about divine expertise without even feeling it. Wives will be of short height and will give birth to many children. Brahmins will take donations and alms even from those human beings who involve themselves in Brahma Satya. Householders in fear of repayment of dues will turn out to be robbers. Those who practice celibacy will also contain themselves in drinking and females. People will prefer comfort zones and continue to be impure for which they will face many consequences. Businessmen will cheat on their customers. Even after getting little money, humans will spend it on alcohol. They will consume a lot of animal meat. Females at the age of eight will conceive and guys at the age of ten will become fathers. At the age of sixteen humans will become old and will die soon. Wives will leave their deserving husbands and will be involved with their servants and animals. Everyone will start killing each other out of conflict. Males will only remain friends with females. Even the pious people will emerge as greedy in the end. Father will not hesitate to kill his son and vice versa. No guy will officially ask for any female's hand their parents or no parents will give proposals to any guy, they will marry as per their wishes. There will be no respect. Wives will no longer be courteous toward their husbands. There will be disturbances between brothers over their wealth. Mlech caste humans will rule over everywhere. There won't be any trees. There will be off-season rain always. Stars will lose blazing. The blowing of strong wind will scare everyone. Meteors will fall frequently. Six suns will be there.

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Indra deity will not make rain systematically and there will be less food. Sun god will create extra heat and The ocean water will be dry. Fire will reach the underworld and destroy snakes, and demons there. It will then burn human beings up to twenty thousand yojans. Then there will be fierce thunderstorms which will make heavy rainfall. The ocean water will be flooded. It will extinguish that fire but the entire earth will be submerged via the flood. Brahma will make it rain for twelve years continuously. Brahma will engulf the storm wind then. There won't be any creatures left on the earth apart from the sage himself. "

Also Markandeya sage mentioned," After the world ends he swims across the water for a long time and finds no one. He gets exhausted and comes near a huge banyan tree. There he sees a beautiful baby boy sleeping on the divine palank. His face looks like a lotus, with eyes like the moon, and a skin colour black. He calls the tired sage there and asks him to take a rest inside him. He opens his mouth and Sage enters inside. He finds the entire universe along with humans, animals, oceans, mountains, all the deities snakes demons inside his stomach. Markandeya starts roaming there for one year and finds no way out. Then he prays for lord Barenya and with the help of the wind he comes out of his body through his mouth. The sage understands that he is no other than the supreme god. He offers his prayers to him and asks for how long god stays in this form."

God replies, "The deities also don't know his true form. Since the sage is a celibate and a great devotee he sees his 'Narayan' form there. 'Nara' means water and 'ayan' means god resides there in the water. Hence he is known as Narayan. He is the God Brahma, Shiva, deities Indra, Kubera, and Yama. He is the entire universe. He creates and ends everything. A human being can never find him. Whenever injustice takes place on the earth he is born from a human and kills that demon. During Satya yuga, he looked white, in Treta Yuga yellowish, in Dwapar yuga Reddish and in Kaliyuga he will look blackish. Kaliyuga will only have violence and iniquity. At the end of the era, he will take his form and destroy everything. Brahma is half of his body part. He holds a conch shell, chakra, and mace in his hand, and sleeps on the water in a child form until Brahma wakes up. Then they start creating the universe. " Markandeya in addition to that referred to 'Kalki Avatar: the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu ' to all of the Pandavas. He advised that " at the end of the Kali era, a mighty boy named Vishnuyasa Kalki will be born in a Brahmin family in the village of Sambal. He will be smart and fearless. He will have weapons, warriors, shields, and Vahan alongside him. He will roam everywhere along with the Brahmins and kill all the Mlech people. He will slaughter all the evil people. He wilL then perform Aswamedha yajna and establish the policies and principles of Lord Brahma. He will begin the Satya yuga and hand it over to the non-secular Brahmins.

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