Friday 18 September 2020


Sage Chyavana marries Sukanya, Asvinikumars bless him to acquire youthfulness and he creates Mada Demon out of the fire 

We all have gone through a chapter in our childhood that "All the glitters are not gold". In this blog, I will provide an explanation for that story in short. It is about how the old sage Chyavana marries Beautiful Sukanya and alongside that, I will elaborate on sage Chyavana Becoming young via the benefits of two Asvins. During the pilgrimage sage, Lomasha alongside the Pandavas reached the Narmada river. He told them the story of sage Chyavana there only.

Sage Chyavana was the son of Sage Bhrigu. He meditated for a lengthy time near the Narmada River. After many years his body was covered by ants. He sat there except for any hesitation. Trailing plants grew all around his body. He seemed like a load of soil from each angle. He was in deep meditation there. After many years King

Sharyati came to that place alongside his four thousand wives and one daughter named Sukanya. Sukanya was roaming around the place alongside her friends and found the Bambi soil of Chyavana. She found it to be delightful. She seemed charming in one cloth that she was wearing at that time and was dressed in various ornaments. She left her friends and was wandering in the wooded area alone. Chyavana saw her from masses of soil and got moved by her beauty. He called Sukanya there however she couldn't hear him. She went near him and saw the shiny flashing eyes of sage there. She did not realize the sage used to be sitting there. Out of curiosity, she pricked his eyes with a thorn. Sage got angry and by using his Ascetic power, he stopped the excreta of the complete army of King Sharyati.

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Later anxiously King asked for forgiveness for his daughter's foolishness. The infuriated sage told the king that his proud daughter had insulted him by stabbing the throne into his eyes. He asked the king for the hand of his daughter in return. King agreed without any second thought and married his daughter off to the sage and returned to his kingdom. This explains "all the glitters are not gold". Sukanya considered the shining eyes of the sage as gold, hurt him mistakenly, and later accepted the consequences.

Sukanya was committed to her husband. One day when she was returning from the bath she was not covered with clothes and two Asvins noticed her. They asked for her introduction. Bashfully she answered them that she was once the daughter of King Sharyati and a loyal spouse of sage Chyavana. Asvinikumars could observe the dedication of Sukanya towards her husband that she was looking lovely without carrying any embellishes or clothes. She was living an Ascetic lifestyle simply like her husband. 

They told her, "Your father has chosen an old man as your husband. Your youthfulness is being wasted by means of staying with sage Chyavana. We suggest you marry one of us." Being devoted to her husband, Sukanya Denied them. Both the deities informed her, "We can make your husband younger and handsome. Then you select any one person as your groom out of the three of us: two Asvins and sage Chyavana."

Sukanya returned to the hermitage and explained the whole lot to her husband. Chyavana asked her to act in accordance with the two deities. As per the guidelines of Asvin,  sage also entered into the river alongside them to gather youth. After coming out of it all of them appeared young and divine. Asvins requested Sukanya to select one per her preference out of the three. She chose sage Chyavana only. Sage Chyavana being younger blessed that he would make two Asvins eligible for consuming liquor similar to Indra.

When King Sharyati came to be aware of Chyavana getting the adolescents he was glad. He visited the sage's hermitage. Sage Chyavana requested him to put together a yajna. During that yajna, Chyavana provided somras or liquor to the Asvins along with Indra there.

Indra requested the sage not to do so as he regarded the two Asvins were not deserving. Chyavana unnoticed Indra obtained the liquor and offered it to the Asvin.  Indra threatened the sage by way of taking the Vajra in his hand. Chyavana made Indra's hands paralyzed and for killing him, Created Madasura from the yajna fire. The demon looked horrible and ugly. he had big sharp enamel with a long tongue and he used to be huge. It is regarded as if he was created to eat the entire universe. He ran towards Indra to devour him. Indra stunned there pleaded with the sage not to do so. He agreed to the offerings of soma rasa to Asvins during yajna at that time. Chyavana became calm and he distributed the 'Mada' one after the other in between drinking alcohol, Wife, gambling, and hunting.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about the exceptional love of Chyavana's grandson Ruru towards his beloved wife..

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