Thursday 24 September 2020


Indra and the fire deity test King Shibi & a tale about Shibi eating his son 

I went thru the tales of Sage Markandeya that he had been telling the Pandavas and Draupadi throughout their exile period. I observed an exciting story about King Shibi. His kindness and generosity grabbed my attention. I will elaborate on two incidents of The King right here in my post.

Shibi was the son of King Ushinara. One day the fire god and Indra determined to take a look at the superiority of King Shibi. Fire god and Indra each took the shape of a pigeon and a Hawk respectively. The hawk chased the pigeon to consume it. 

the pigeon reached the king and dropped into his lap. Pigeon begged the king to save him from the hawk. 

(Please Click Below Video In Hindi 👇)

He also referred to the king, "Oh king! Do not hand me over to the hawk. All creatures have been taking many forms on this earth, and in my earlier life, I used to be an intelligent Kshatriya, not a pigeon. hence I request you to defend me." The hawk then told the king, "Oh king! I have already determined to eat the pigeon before. Hence no longer put hindrances in my food."

King was once shocked to discover each of the animals could talk. He knew they were no ordinary animals. He thought that "whenever a king gives away any frightened person, who comes to stay below his protection, over to their enemies, that time it doesn't rain in the kingdom. food becomes much less in there. a king who does such sin will be accountable for his child's early death, also be liable for his ancestors no longer acquiring heaven and not receiving havish." Hence he requested the hawk not to consume the pigeon and asked him to take his flesh instead. The hawk agreed to take the flesh of the king similar to the weight of the pigeon.

The king first cut off the flesh from his right thigh and stored it on one side of the weighing scale. On another side of the scales, the pigeon was there. The pigeon used to be heavy compared to the king's flesh. So the king cut off one by one all the fleshes from his physique parts and saved them on balance. Unfortunately, the pigeon was of extra weight. In order to rescue the pigeon, the king then sat on the scale entirely and didn't hesitate a little bit.

That time the hawk advised the king that, "the pigeon is rescued now" and he vanished from there. King surprisingly asked the pigeon about their actual identity. Pigeon instructed

the king about their genuine form. Firegod cured his wounds and blessed him with desirable golden-coloured and aromatic skin. Those Cutoff marks on his body grew to be his physique king insignias. Also, he was blessed by Firegod to have an adorable and graceful son who would be born out of his thighs and would turn out to be mighty.

There is another story related to Shibi which proves his significance. One day Ashtaka; son of Vishvamitra performed the Aswamedha yajna to which his three brothers, Pratardana, Vasumanas, and King Shibi were invited. They all were on their way to acquire heaven and saw Narada. respectfully they invited him on their chariot and asked him out of the four of them who would be the first individual to come back to the earth from heaven. 

(Please Click Below Video In Hindi 👇)

Narada answered, "At first Ashtaka will come back to the earth due to the fact that I witnessed his addiction to self-praising for his donations. Then Pratardana will come back on second as once I too have observed him presenting his horses to Brahmins to fulfil their wants but along with that criticized these Brahmins later. Vasumana will return to earth next. As one-day, I reached Vasumana's kingdom to gather his Flower chariot, for which I had praised and said some auspicious wordings for the chariot. Pleased King promised me to hand over the chariot that time but later he changed his mind."

Then All the brothers asked Narada, " After acquiring heaven who amongst you and Shibi will come back to the earth first." Narada then gladly answered them that "there is no comparison between Shibi and me." He told an incident of Shibi's genuineness.

Once an angry Brahmin reached Shibi's kingdom and asked him for food. The king requested him for his preferred food. Brahmin asked the king to kill his very own son Vrshadarbha and cook him. Then complete his cremation ceremony. Then the king followed his order. He cooked his son. King stored the meals inside a well-covered vessel, positioned it on his head, and searched for the Brahmin everywhere. He discovered out the Brahmin was putting fire to his whole palace, armory, stalls, and treasury out of rage. The king was calm like before. He civilly told the Brahmin to devour the food. Brahmin then asked the king to consume the food all by himself. King was not at all vexed. He agreed and was about to eat that food. Brahmin stooped him at that moment. The king had Pacified his anger. Brahmin could realize the greatness of the king. He made his son alive again. The Brahmin was the creator himself who came there to observe the king. Even he could apprehend that Shibi was such a respectable king who could donate the entirety to a Brahmin barring any hesitation.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about how Shibi helped his grandfather Yayati in attaining heaven..

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