Friday, 18 September 2020


Parashurama cuts off his mother's head, Kills Kartavirya Arjuna, and challenges Lord Rama

We all understand that Lord Parashurama is the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In this post, I will elaborate on the reason behind killing the Kshatriyas, why he cut the head off his mother's head, and later made her alive, his triumph over furious Kartavirya Arjuna who had one thousand hands, and Parashurama's assembly with Lord Rama. Pandavas reached Mahendra Mountain throughout their pilgrimage. They met with Akritavarna; the disciple of Lord Parashurama,  who defined to them the story of his great Guru.

Once there was a mighty king named Kartavirya Arjuna; son of Kritavirya of Haihayas kingdom(not to be confused with Pandava Arjuna). He was so evil he used to hurt many sages and deities. He roamed around everywhere in his golden chariot, destroyed their places, and even attacked Deity King Indra. All the Deities alongside Indra prayed near Lord Vishnu for help. Kartavirya Arjuna used to be an incredible Kshatriya warrior. (As referenced by Lord Krishna to Yudhisthira in Shanti Parva of Mahabharata book, King Kartavirya Arjuna was honored by Lord Dattatreya to have 1,ooo hands. He vanquished the entire earth and offered it to the Brahmins. One day Agni or the god of fire begged for alms near Arjuna which was fulfilled by way of the King. Pleased Agni then remained in front of the king’s arrow and began engulfing all over the place. God of fire alongside Arjuna burnt the beautiful hermitage of Sage Aapava. The incensed sage at that point cursed him that Parashurama would slay Arjuna after cutting off all his thousand hands by which he burnt the sage’s ashram along with woodland close by. Since Arjuna was fearless, an incredible doner, and forgiving, he neglected the curse which later ended up being the cause for his and his family members’ demise.)

During these days, there was once a king named Gaadhi: who had a stunning daughter. Her name was Satyavati. She got married to the sage Richik; son of Bhrigu. Bhrigu visited his son's hermitage one day. His daughter-in-law worshipped him and requested boons. In the boons, She wished to have sons for herself as well as for her mother. Bhrigu granted her boons. He advised her and her mother to hug the cluster fig tree and sacred fig tree respectively. Then they would eat the charu that was prepared for both of them accordingly. After that Bhrigu left that place. Satyavati and her mother did the opposite. Satyavati had a son named Jamadagni who was a Brahmin but behaved like Kshatriyas. He married  Renuka. They had five sons. Out of them, Parashurama used to be the youngest one.

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One day Renuka went for a bath and saw King Chitraratha with his spouse in the river. She was attracted to the king and thought of intimacy in her mind. She returned to the hermitage of Jamadagni. He could recognize the circumstance of his wife who had lost her divine appeal because of such thoughts. Outraged Jamadagni ordered his sons to kill their sinful mother. None of the four brothers could take the steps, they lost their senses but Parashurama obeyed his father and cut her head off with an axe. Jamadagni then calmed down himself, was pleased with his son for displaying such guts, and granted him boons. 

Parashurama requested him, "Father! My mother should come to be alive like before, she must not keep in her mind all these, my brothers should turn out to be healthy again, no one will beat me in combat and I will remain immortal." Father granted.

Those days, Kartavirya Arjuna went to the hermitage of sage Jamadagni. Renuka welcomed him out of hospitality. Kartavirya found a calf of a cow there and kidnapped it. He additionally destroyed the place and left. (However, its contrasts with the Shanti Parva, where Lord Krishna mentioned that the fool sons of Arjuna stole the calf for which later, a huge fight occurred between Arjuna and Lord Parashurama at that point.) Parashurama along with his brothers was outside at that time. Jamadagni told everything to Parashurama and after knowing about the captured calf, he got angry and attacked the Kartavirya. He cut his one thousand fingers and killed him. After knowing about the demise of their father Kartavirya, his sons came to Jamadagni's hermitage and attacked him when Parashurama was not there. Since Jamadagni used to be a Brahmin he could not fight back and he was hurt by the arrows of Kartavirya's sons. He consistently took the name of "Rama" and died there whilst suffering.

Parashurama returned to his hermitage and noticed the pathetic dead body of his father. He mourned for him. 

He could apprehend that, " My father was killed unfairly! He was a pious Brahmin who never deserved such death. Kartavirya was killed by me for his sins of kidnapping but my father died for nothing! "

Parashurama became furious. He alone went to the Kartavirya sons and killed all of them out of anger. All the Kshatriyas who supported them also were slaughtered by way of Parashurama. Later he was calmed down by seeing Richik sage's face in the blood tanks which were crammed with the Kshatriya's blood: whom Parashurama had massacred. He carried out yajna and pleased Indra. The mighty Parashurama had defeated sixty-four crore Kshatriyas had killed fourteen thousand Brahmadrohis and King Dantakrura. 

(Lord Rama; the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, once defeated Lord Parashurama. Let me take you to that story.)

One day Parashurama with the intention to see Lord Rama went to Ayodhya. When he reached the kingdom, King Dasharatha sent Lord Rama to meet with him. Seeing Lord Rama carrying the bow and arrows, Parashurama smiled and dare him to use his very own weapon via which he had killed many Kshatriyas. Lord Rama with courtesy informed him not to be proud of his strength. Parashurama cited Lord Rama no longer giving excuses and holding his divine weapon.

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Lord Rama took the bow from him and made the bowstring twang. Parashurama then gave him divine arrows and asked him to hold them in the bow and drag it up to his ears. Lord Rama got irritated and allowed him to see his divine form. Parashurama could see the actual form of Lord Vishnu inside Lord Rama. Lord Rama then shoot the arrow which created a furious and terrifying sound. It made rain in all places and created a storm. Parashurama was worried at that time. The arrow stole Parashurama's grace, made him anxious, and returned. He lost his senses. He then requested forgiveness and went to Mahendra Mountain for meditation. Later his ancestors informed him to take a bath in the Vasudhara River to get back his grace. He acted accordingly.

Ref: Mahabharata book Vana Parva

Read about how did Sage Ourba manage to control his wrath on Kshatriyas..

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